Bucharest, 8 September 2022

Your Majesty,

We are deeply moved by the falling asleep into the Lord of the late Queen Elizabeth II, Your Majesty’s beloved mother and Sovereign of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth Realms, on the 8th of September 2022, the day when we celebrate, in the Orthodox Church, the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Vergin Mary.

We came to know of the close bond that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II shared with the Romanian Monarchy, especially through the late King Michael of Romania, whom she so much appreciated.

At the same time, she has been a constant friend of the Romanian people and, particularly, of the Romanian Orthodox Church, in their endeavour to pass through the difficult times of communist dictatorship.

Last, but not least, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has remained in our thoughts as a constant supporter of the Romanians who settled in the United Kingdom, and of Romania, in general, as inspired by Your Majesty’s unfailing manifestation of love and appreciation of our country and people.

In these moments of great sorrow and grief for the British Royal Family, and of Your Majesty, personally, we pray that the noble soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II may rest in the peace, light and love of the Most Holy Trinity.

May her memory be eternal from generation to generation!

With high esteem,


Patriarch of Romania
The message of Daniel the Patriarch of Romania
for His Majesty CHARLES III,
King of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth Realms
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